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Tip of the Week
Mounting makes all the difference!!
Ok, after the minds come out the gutter, lol this newsletter will be related to the correct installation/mounting of Point ASH Hydrocarbon Detectors.
A recent call from offshore related to a point IR Gas Detector has prompted me to compose this newsletter in the hopes that I can help to ensure that these devices are installed correctly.
Catalytic Bead Sensor Assemblies
When we look at traditional Catalytic Bead Detectors, you will generally see a junction box with some type of external apparatus screwed into the Junction Box. That apparatus is the sensor part of the complete detector assembly. There is no special mounting requirement for the Junction Box, but for all catalytic bead sensors, the sensor must be facing down (vertical). Because of the fact that our target gas, Methane, is lighter than air and rises, we position the sensor to be best suited for detection of the target gas as it rises in a confined space.
Infrared (IR) Sensor Assemblies
With IR Detectors, we have different mounting requirements, depending on the individual manufacturer of the device.
When you look at the device, you may see a sensor attached to the Junction Box that looks like a catalytic bead sensor, but in actuality it is an IR Sensor, Detcon IR522 & IR622 comes to mind, and it is also mounted vertically, like a catalytic bead.
However, some manufactures have what looks like a cylinder or tube mounted to the Junction Box, General Monitors IR2100 & IR400, Det-
Keep in mind that correct orientation of the detector has a critical effect on the performance of the device. A device that is not installed per manufacturers recommendations is just as good as the device not being there at all. There is a reason why each detector is shipped with manuals, Read Them!!
If you require more information regarding the terms and explanations above, contact me by email or phone for assistance.
The above information is covered in the following Tec Trek class segments: Awareness Training (FG-
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